Illogical Script Team

We have a team of passionate and avid readers of different genres that helps you with quality engaging content after their extensive research on a particular topic.

Here is a brief introduction of our team members:

1. Suksham Pargal (Co-founder)

Suksham Pargal is an entrepreneur and an avid reader since the last 3 years. He started this journey of illogical script in 2021. It is his determination that has led to the creation of such a beautiful blog that has quality content.

He believes in providing quality over quantity to the readers and hence is always on the work towards making this blog better day-by-day. His consistency in reading has led him to choose the team who prefers reading as well. His goals towards this blog keeps the team motivated to work harder. 

His favorite genres are Romance, Self-help and business related books. His recent reads have been “The Alchemist” and “How to read a person like a Book“. 

2. Ayush Anand (Co-founder)

Ayush was the first person to know about the launch of this blog and has been its part since the beginning working towards a bigger goal.

From learning digital marketing to reading books just to start this blog, his dedication speaks a lot. His hunger to learn and deep research towards any topic/issue is keeping this blog afloat.

3. Plakshi Kapoor (Content Writer)

Plakshi Kapoor is a literature student a literary enthusiast and is a content writer at illogicalscript. She is an avid reader and finds solace in writing. 

She keeps herself well updated as of current affairs and updates about the world. 

Her writing style is interactive and informational which would give readers exactly what they are looking for while keeping them hooked.

4. Aditi Khajuria (Content Writer)

Aditi Khajuria is a BBA student and has a core inclination towards exploring. She also works at an NGO “Climate Front Jammu” as a co-ordinator and is an active volunteer towards protection and restoration of River Tawi. She has a keen interest in Biodegradable and Ecology.

Her keen interest in exploring and management skills helps us to be more efficient and make an impression towards our audience creating an informative as well as intelligible content. 

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