Book Review: The Midnight Library by Matt Haig

Book Review_ The Midnight Library by Matt Haig feature image

Do you know the number of people committing suicide? Why they do so? Well there could be a lot of reasons for that and they feel that ending their life is better than finding a solution to their problem. However, we should know that suicide is not a solution. Hence, I have come here with The Midnight Library which tells you about suicide from beginning to end and the instances of struggles, and the second change the characters get in the story.

We have two lives and the second begins when we realize we have only one. “


The Midnight Library by Matt Haig is about a woman who lives a boring, ordinary life feeling useless and unfulfilled within herself. One night her mental pain reaches a peak and regrets all the mistakes she has made in her life and kills herself. She finds herself between life and death, wakes up in a library, full of books. Each of the books on the shelves contains different lives in which she can choose the version she likes and insert herself into that life and continue to live again.

The midnight Library is about life, how we regret things, and the choices we get to make in our life. We are working out to be happy in the life we have chosen for. In all the regrets, we lose the opportunity for success and happiness. As I mentioned in the Quote before, we only have one life, but the only thing that makes a difference is when we realize it.

I will not give you much spoilers here but will provide you with an idea of the story. So for knowing more exciting content about the book, go ahead and scroll down.

The Midnight Library by Matt Haig | Book Review

About The Author | Matt Haig

Matt Haig is an English novelist and journalist. Born on 3rd July 1975 in Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England, he grew up in Newark, Nottinghamshire. He studied History and English at the University of Hull. After managing his own internet marketing company and working for a nightclub in Spain, he became a full-time writer.

Matt Haig is the writer of both fiction and non-fiction books and novels for children and adults, often in the speculative fiction genre. His book Midnight library was adapted for radio and broadcast in ten episodes on BBC Radio 4 in Dec 2020. Viking published the book in 2020.

The Midnight Library | Book Overview 

The Midnight Library by Matt Haig Quotes with Matt Haig Cover Image

The Midnight Library by Matt Haig is a philosophical fictional Novel officially published on 29th September 2020. The book talks about the Meaning of life, the point of existence, the second chance, our purpose, suicide, and many more, which you will find when you read.

The Midnight Library was shortlisted for the 2021 British Book Awards fiction book and GoodReads literary fiction best reads of 2020 award. It is currently in the top 10 Sunday Times bestseller list and selected as New York Times’ top 10 books.

The main character in this Novel—Nora seed, a 35-year-old woman from Bedford, England, is a central character of the Midnight library. Nora is smart and talented, but she struggled in the book under immense pressure with all the regrets she had with her life and with oppressive expectations of her loved ones. By the end of her 30s, she found herself struggling. She was suicidal and ended up in a situation between life and death.

The Midnight Library is a library; it’s a very out-of-this-world kind of library that doesn’t exist in real life because it goes on forever with an infinite number of bookshelves. Every book in this library provides a chance to try another life one can live.

Book Summary: The Midnight Library by Matt Haig 

This novel starts with a woman named Nora seed, who finds herself on the edge of making terrible choices. She loses her job, her brother, and her best friend. Her relationship is in total disorder, and her cat is dead. She is suffering from all the mistakes she made in her life. She is deeply unstable and can’t imagine a day that will be better than others. Her life has become worse.

Feeling hopeless she decides to end her life. She ends up waking up in the library, where the bookshelves go on for eternity, and every book on the shelf is a different version of Nora’s own life. She can flash into other lives and recognize which is best for her.

She does this over and over, desperately searching for the life that fits just right for her. She sees a woman and recognizes that the woman is her school librarian. Librarian told her that every book on the shelves has a different version of her life. Nora, full of regret, feels that now she has a chance to see how her life could have been.

She has not read her life, but she opens the book and falls into life, recognizing that all the things she could have been like an Olympic swimmer like a glaciologist in the arctic circle like a rock star. Now she has a chance to make real or rather to inhabit the lives which already are real but in the universe.

So what would Nora’s life have been like if she hadn’t given up music, and what about if she had not married that guy? She searches within herself as she travels in the Midnight Library and finds out what genuinely satisfies her life.

As she finds herself between life and death at the end of the book, she calls out to the universe to keep her alive. And finally, she wakes up gulping.

My Thoughts On The Book Image
Source: Book Club Chat

My Thoughts on the Book? 

The Midnight library opens up with different versions of Nora’s life. Imagine that in your life, you have made so many decisions. You would have taken many roads to what is good for you and what’s not. If you have made one different choice, it could just change the entire journey of your life.

Your every decision has the power to change your life. Still, the emotions of the book are about all the different choices we get to make in life would result in life which we think is going to be great sometimes they aren’t so not worrying about the options we didn’t get to make what is important is that living best of you life.

In reality, you doesn’t get another chance the way Nora has received. You will get a second chance when you realize that there’s only one.

Rating For The Midnight Library by Matt Haig 

The book The Midnight Library by Matt Haig deserves 4.3/5 stars from me.

Conclusion & Recommendation | The Midnight Library by Matt Haig

Never doubt yourself. You are always capable of more than what you are right now. Your true potential is hidden waiting for you to discover it. I recommend you to read this fiction fantasy to learn more about your potential.

So the best way of living is to live your life to the fullest by looking for solutions to your problems and live as long as you have, since you don’t know what life has for you tomorrow.

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