Why You Forget What You Read?

Why You Forget What You Read?

Does it ever happen to you that you’ve read a book and know it’s good, but when someone asks some particular detail about it, you can’t seem to remember it? This happens a lot during examinations. Ever wonder why you forget what you read? We’ll discuss why one can’t retain what they have read here.

Recently, I’ve been experiencing this a lot. Due to some reasons, I’ve had to go through many lifestyle changes (not all healthy). But one thing remained constant, that is, reading. But earlier, my brain could hold a lot more information and details about the book I read, but lately, I seem slightly thrown off. So, I decided to research why this happened and found some exciting and valuable explanations that made sense.

You might remember a book you read a long time ago’s narrative, main characters, and maybe a few key scenes. On the other side, you can lose all memory of a book you read recently. It can be nearly impossible for you to remember what you read afterward. It could be brought on by insufficient rest and sleep, interruptions while reading, poor nutrition, picking the wrong book, or memory problems like decay or shallow processing.

If you are experiencing the same, first of all, don’t worry, it’s normal. And If you want to know why this has been happening to you, keep scrolling and reading further, and you’ll find out!

Factors Why You Don’t Remember What You Read

1. Insufficient focus on the things you want to Retain

a man not focusing on his work |  why you forget what you read
Source: everlywell.com

Lack of proper attention to the things we want to remember is the primary cause of amnesia. The outcome is that we are not sufficiently affected by the event. We forget because we don’t focus on the information we want to remember long enough to make a lasting impression on our minds.

So paying attention to what has to be recalled is essential for having a good memory. Give the thing you want to recall your full attention because you cannot properly concentrate on more than one thing at a time.

2. Insufficiency of Repetition or Practise

a tired man |  why you forget what you read
Source: centreforsight.net

Unless something is regularly reviewed to keep it fresh in mind, it’s common for people to forget the majority of what they’ve acquired within a few days after learning it.

As new experiences arise, your brain constantly reorganizes knowledge. As a result, memories of past events or ideas that are infrequently used or rediscovered progressively fade away. Most of what we read is forgotten almost immediately after it is learned. After that, what little is left is eventually forgotten.

According to some learning experts, revisiting the material within the first 24 hours of learning is the best time to review notes again and lessen the amount of forgotten information. According to the evidence, the best period for a single review is 10–20% before the time when the knowledge will be needed.

3. Other Activities Interfering With Study Time or Right After it

a woman getting distracted while reading |  why you forget what you read
Source: vassar.edu

According to research, the other things we do after learning something interfere with our capacity to remember and retain it later. In other words, we forget what we’ve learned because we later learn something else. The degree to which the intervening activity is similar to what is being learned will ultimately determine how much you will forget.

Interference is most beneficial when the conflicting materials or activities closely resemble the reading content. When what happened in the past interferes with what is happening now, that is another instance of interference.

Work that comes before learning prevents students from remembering what they have learned. We could forget what we read and what happened because of what transpired before our study period. Some memories are unaffected by interference’s negative consequences.

These memories may not always follow the conventional forgetting curve, given the different consolidating variables.

4. Suppression of knowledge for many causes

a woman suppressing her expressions
Source: marksdailyapple.com

Controlling intense feelings and wants and preventing them from being expressed makes them appear to no longer exist. Suppression occurs when we restrict ourselves from being conscious of any propensity active in our minds that resists the desire to recall by an excellent resistance or wish not to recollect in the context of losing what we’ve read.

We frequently find it easier to forget a memory that contradicts our sense of security or self-worth than one that does not. Because of this, what is suppressed might not necessarily be unpleasant in and of itself but might have been connected to something unpleasant.

Repression brought on by delusions of competence may prevent you from better committing an idea to memory if you are certain that you have grasped it, as in the case of physics.

5. Improper Diet or Nutrition

a woman having an improper diet
Source: buggtimes.com

It has been found that the food we eat does have an impact on how our brains function. People suffer mentally and physically from two factors, according to research, that is, the food people eat and the food they refuse to consume.

Our brains are impacted by eating things like heavily salted cuisine, a lot of meat, salt, and stale food. Certain substances like coffee, alcohol, and cigarettes impact our brains when consumed in excess. Some foods and commodities are included in a poor nutritious diet because they interfere with the body’s and mind’s ability to circulate blood and energy.

6. Absence of Enough Sleep and Rest

a woman yawning
Source: helpguide.org

Sleep is typically one of the most neglected aspects of students’ lives. Are you putting off getting the rest your body requires because you are too busy learning or working? Most people require 7 to 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep every night; children and teenagers require even more.

The first thing to suffer if you don’t get enough good sleep is your memory. Another piece I’ve created discusses how much sleep affects how well you remember and learn.

Sleep is necessary for building crucial connections and associations in your memory. When you initially learn something, the knowledge is brittle and leaves a tiny imprint on your brain. Your brain evaluates that knowledge as you sleep and creates stronger neural connections, making it a more reliable component of your knowledge base.

In other words, memory problems result from not getting enough sleep. Getting enough sleep is one of the simplest and quickest strategies to improve your memory if you have been sleep-deprived.

7. Declining or Unused Memory

a woman trying to retain
Source: forbes.com

The knowledge you don’t utilize frequently tends to be replaced by the information you need occasionally by the brain. Memory decay or disuse are terms used to describe this kind of memory failure.

Your mind has to review it periodically to avoid storing previously learned information in a bin marked “useless” and out of reach for quick recall. Something is recalled more vividly the more times it is reviewed. Through chapter quizzes and unit reviews, you can prevent memory loss. They unearth the knowledge and ensure that the brain comprehends your desire for it to retain information.

8. Superficial Processing

a man having shallow memory
Source: bbc.com

Shallow processing frequently results in short-term memory retention. It frequently involves repeating actions or information that merely scratches the surface of a concept or idea. You assimilate information rapidly if you can’t associate it with a sense or emotion. Because the brain perceives it as unimportant, it doesn’t stay there for very long. Thus, space will open up in your brain for new, crucial information.

You will process information more thoroughly when you give it meaning. Your brain stores information better and makes it simpler to recall when needed when you can find a reason to remember something, connect emotion to it, or use more than one sense to learn about something.

9. Picking the Incorrect Books

woman getting irritated because of books
Source: bookriot.com

The brain loves to group experiences to conserve energy and storage space. Therefore, for you to remember what you read, it must be memorable. Despite this, most readers make two critical mistakes. They start by reading what the others are reading. Second, they attempt to complete novels they don’t want to read.

More than 50,000 books are published annually by the publishing industry, not to include the millions of blog posts, articles, and research that are also published. There will be too much reading if you don’t choose your reading list. Next, it’s a time waste to force oneself to read the literature you don’t like.

Something that makes you feel good enhances your likelihood of remembering and using it later.

Conclusion| Why Do You Forget What You Read

As we encounter new things in life, the human brain is continually reorganized. While other experiences inevitably deteriorate, the most popular ones remain current. Reading to retain knowledge necessitates a regular pattern in addition to picking the correct books, making notes, and getting adequate sleep and rest. You become a better reader if you read regularly.

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